Little King's Story Wiki
Little King's Story Wiki
Little King's Story Wiki
Life 20
Location Sunflower Plains
UMA Book Description A dangerous sunflower active at night.

The Moonflower (ヨマワリ, Yomawari) is an UMA, most commonly found in Sunflower Plains. In the day, Moonflowers look like regular sunflowers, but sway slightly more quickly. However, at night, Moonflowers come to life as an UMA. In their sunflower form during the day, they may occasionally be prematurely awoken by having citizens run towards them.


Attack Effect Description
Leaf karate chop Melee Hits in front
Shakes leaves Melee Hits around entire body, lasts several seconds, can hit a citizen on the ground multiple times for several hits of damage



Names in other languages[]

Name Meaning
Japanese ヨマワリ


French Tournelune Moonflower (lit. "turns to moon")
Italian Girasole di notte Sunflower at night
German Sonnenblume Sunflower
Spanish Giraluna Moonflower (lit. "turns to moon")

The French word for sunflower is tournesol, literally meaning "turns to sun". The French name for the Moonflower swaps the sol for the word for moon, lune, so that the name of the UMA literally means "turns to the moon". The same pun is made with the Spanish name, where girasol, also meaning "turns to sun", has the word sol replaced with luna, "moon".


  • There are some occasions where Moonflowers will appear at any time of day, such as at the Bony Tunnel Entrance. This is probably since the area is always covered in shade. However, the Moonflowers follow their usual routine in the Torn Forest, another somewhat dark area.

