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Little King's Story Wiki
Little King's Story Wiki
Onii Hopper
Onii Hopper
Onii Hopper
Life 20
Location Dark Valley
UMA Book Description Onii that really likes to jump.

The Onii Hopper (オニーホッパー, Onīhoppā) is an Onii UMA that uses a bamboo pogo-stick as a weapon. The pogo stick has little red flags attached to it, like the various iconography throughout the Onii Kingdom.


Attack Effect Description
Jumps three times forwards Charge Two short range hops before a longer ranged hop
Spins pogo stick Melee
Backflip Melee



Names in other languages[]

Names Meaning
Japanese オニーホッパー


Onii Hopper
French Démon Sauteur Hopper Demon (Oniii)
Italian Onii Salterino Jumpy Onii
German Hüpfteufel Hop Devil (Onii)
Spanish Demohop Hop-Demon (Onii)

The Spanish version refers to hop, an onomatopoeia made when jumping.


Onii Hopper PAL art

Art of the Onii Hopper seen in the PAL instruction booklet
