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Little King's Story Wiki
Little King's Story Wiki
Rodeo Cow
Rodeo Cow
Rodeo Cow
Life 40
Location Shaky Rock Forest
UMA Book Description Ever seen a rodeo bull? Yeah, worse.

The Rodeo Cow (アバレウシ, Abareushi) is an UMA that was once a regular Cow before it consumed Janga Pickles. It resembles an ordinary cow, but has demonic red eyes, pronounced Onii-like horns and bat-like wings.

In the wild, Rodeo Cows are always found asleep and will awaken when approached. The only exception is when they emerge from holes, where they are already awake.


Attack Effect Description
Bull charge Charge Scuffs hoof six times before charging



As the UMA Book description states, the Rodeo Cow is a play on a rodeo bull, an out of control bull that bucks violently in an attempt to knock its rider off.

Names in other languages[]

Name Meaning
Japanese アバレウシ


Raging Cow
French Vache sauvage Wild Cow
Italian Mucca folle Wild Cow
German Rinderwahn Mad Cow Disease
Spanish Vacaloca Crazy-Cow

The Japanese name specifically uses an adjective with the connotation of bullfighting.


  • The Rodeo Cow's UMA Book entry says it is from the "Shaky Rock Forest", one of several UMA Book Errors.

