Little King's Story Wiki
Little King's Story Wiki
Little King's Story Wiki

The Treasure Room is where the Treasures are equipped. Treasures are the name of items that may be equipped to citizens. Equipable items are divided into two categories: Armor or Weapons. Treasures may be equipped by talking to Liam or using the modified Podium. Each citizen can hold one Treasure each, and each Treasure has a different effect on the user.

Toy Weapons[]

Toy Weapons do not do anything and are only for show.

Name How to Obtain
Toy Axe Obtain from talking to a Savvy Merchant (1st Item)
Toy Bow Bring 5 art pieces back to Ginger
Toy Mallet In a garbage bin in Soldier Town, behind the stone tower, near the western exit to Jolly Kingdom
Toy Spear Bring 5 art pieces back to Ginger
Toy Staff In a hole east of Former Onii Grounds, up some stairs.
Toy Sword Bring 5 art pieces back to Ginger

Power UP Weapons[]

Power UP Weapons double attack damage.

Name How to Obtain
Bamboo Sword Clear the amateur level of the table tennis minigame against a Carefree Adult
Battleaxe Buy the Super Weapons power-up for 3100,000 bol from the Kingdom Plan menu
Bin Bow In a garbage bin in the north-west corner of Gourmet Town (This item will not raise your attack)
Clothesline Obtain from talking to a Savvy Merchant (3rd Item)
Dried Squid Clear the Pro level of the table tennis minigame against Pancho
Drumstick Near the north exit of Bony Tunnel. From there, go east a little bit and defeat all the chicken enemies. The treasure is near the Wonder Spot #9 sign.
Robin's Bow Dropped by an Onii carrying a chest, on the way from the bony Reborn Dragon towards Sobamanjaro. There's a King flag nearby
Rolled Newspaper In a garbage bin behind the Merchant arcades in Farmland
Skull Staff Behind the Soup Church, in a hole that only appears at night.
Triangular Ruler In a shiny hole behind some Lego blocks on New Island, north-east of the stone bridge.
Wood Sword Buy the Weapons Research power-up for 950,000 bol from the Kingdom Plan menu
Wooden Mallet In a hole south of Sunflower Plains, on a ledge near the central small hot spring, under a Cockadoodledo.

Stunning Weapons[]

Stunning Weapons have a chance to stun the enemy.

Name How to Obtain
Cupid's Bow Successfully marry a couple for the first time in the Soup Church
Magical Girl Wand In Magical Land.
Parasol At the tip of a peninsula in the Dark Valley area, behind the outer cliff wall.
Pillow Obtained by clearing the 'N1c3 K1ngd0m!' quest
Plastic Hammer Defeat Pin the Rabbit in a foot race.
Rabbit Sword Defeat Piglets in a foot race

Legendary Weapons[]

Legendary Weapons will increase your attack power even more than Power UP weapons and sometimes add other benefits.

Name How to Obtain
Legendary Axe Defeat the Forest Dwellers in a foot race
Legendary Bow Beat the Onii Bride during the 'God Paper!' quest (will also double attack speed)
Legendary Mallet In a hidden shiny hole in the northwest part of Skull Plains, on the path leading to Tiptoe Kingdom. Shishkebaboo hints at its existence in a letter.
Legendary Spear Beat the Marble Dragon during the 'God Booze!' quest
Legendary Staff Beat the Giant Zoeter during the 'God Food Stores!' quest
Legendary Sword Obtain from talking to a Savvy Merchant (5th Item). Unlike the other Legendary Items, this is the only Legendary Item to be a Power UP and not an Ups Attack weapon. Also has Multi-hit.

Life-Up Armor[]

Life-Up Armor will increase the wearer's life by a set amount.

Name How to Obtain +Life Amount
Black Cape Defeat the bony Reborn Dragon in his cage in the northern part of Skull Plains +2
Casual Clothes Obtained from talking to Savvy Merchant citizens +2
Furry Kilt Bring 10 art pieces back to Ginger +2
Grass Mail Buy the Armor Research power-up for 1180,000 bol +2
Chainmail Buy the Super Armor power-up for 3530,000 bol +3
Gauntlet In a hole in the southwest corner of Soldier Town, on the high ledge up the long stairs. Before building Soldier Town , go south of the place with logs arranged in a circle around a large tree stump and continue along the way +3
Health Undies Bring 20 art pieces back to Ginger +3
Leather Jacket Obtain from talking to a Savvy Merchant (4th Item) +3
Dude Thong In a hole in the west northwestern corner of Skull Plains +4
Striped Undies Send one of your Royal Guard members into the Riverside Cabin +5
Legendary Dress Bring 70 art pieces back to Ginger +7
Legendary Armor Bring all 100 art pieces back to Ginger +10
Lucky Misanga In a garbage bin behind the 'Let's Play' panel in Magical Land Life UP
Legendary Ring In the shiny hole at the end of the area known as Near New Island Life UP & Immunity
Legendary Undies Clear the World Pro level of the table tennis minigame against Howser Life UP, Immunity
Pancho Poncho Bring 40 art pieces back to Ginger Regeneration!

Immunity Armor[]

Immunity Armor will grant immunity to status effects

Name How to Obtain Status Immunity
Sterile Undies (x2) Bring 15 art pieces back to Ginger Poison Immunity
Viper Sticker Bring 15 art pieces back to Ginger Poison Immunity
Hand Cooler (x3) Bring 25 art pieces back to Ginger Burn Immunity
Hand Warmer (x3) Bring 55 art pieces back to Ginger Snowman Immunity
Paperweight (x3) Bring 85 art pieces back to Ginger Stops Blow Away